International Relations

ICMQ is a member or a co-founder of numerous national and international organisations, with the aim of giving its certifications international validity and developing its know-how in terms of reciprocal collaboration and intercultural exchange.

AICARR – Italian Association of Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration. Thanks to the commitment of its members, the association creates and circulates information in the sector of technologies and systems for the production, distribution and use of thermal energy in the civil and industrial spheres. In order to promote environmental wellbeing, AICARR combines a focus on issues regarding energy savings, the use of renewable sources and the management of systems. In this way, the work of AICARR takes it increasingly towards its goal of sustainable wellbeing.

CISQ – Italian Certification of Corporate Management Systems. This is the independent federation that encompasses the major Italian certification bodies operating with specific expertise in various sectors, from industry to agriculture and distribution, from business and professional services to public and social services.

CTI - Italian Thermotechnics Committee. A body affiliated to the UNI, which carries out regulatory and standardising activities in the various fields of thermotechnics.

CONFORMA – Association of Certification, Inspection, Testing and Calibration Bodies. A new association of bodies operating in compliance evaluation, present in all sectors of the field and representing both voluntary and statutory regulations for products and services in national and international organisations. The association seeks to increase the value of independent, third-party compliance evaluation, as well as its development and improvement. Organisations can join Conforma directly, subject to the constraints of sharing and endorsing its code of professional conduct. The association represents the interests of bodies which comply with certain minimum criteria in terms of size, experience and activity. and holds a critical mass of resources (human, contacts and economical) appropriate for its statutory objectives.

Diligentia is a global community of Associations, Companies and professionals sharing the need of changing the economic development pattern and promoting responsible business conduct more attentive to the balance between profit and the protection of people, the environment and local communities, business partners and customers. Diligentia is an hub providing members (companies and professionals) with wide range of services available from everywhere at any time allowing to get information, share and develop knowledge, implement social responsibility management systems, learn and promote responsible organizations, brands, products and services in the global market.

Eco Platform - An association of which ICMQ is a founding member, which groups all the European Programme Operators who are working to sustain and harmonise European EPDs for construction products. The added value of EDPs acknowledged by the Eco Platform scheme is the possibility of using these declarations throughout the European market and also on international markets.

Eurocer-building – The European federation of certifying bodies in the construction sector. Established in 1994 with the aim of encouraging voluntary product certification in Europe, and also to develop and improve free movement of certified products, partly thanks to cooperation between the bodies involved.

GBC Italia – Green Building Council. An Italian association for the promotion of sustainable building, in line with the LEED standard (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design); a non-profit association backed by the Trentino District Consortium Society. Founded in 2008, its aim is to facilitate the spread of a culture of sustainable building, raise public and institutional awareness of the impact of building design and construction on citizens' quality of life and provide clear reference parameters for operators in the sector. ICMQ hosts the offices of the Lombardy Chapter, the local branch of the association.

Kyoto Club. A no-profit organisation founded in 1999 and consisting of firms, bodies, associations and local administrations committed to achieving the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions agreed in the Kyoto Protocol.

IQNet – International Certification Network. A worldwide network founded in 1990 and present in more than 30 countries around the world. It recognises the most important certification bodies, giving them undisputed visibility at international level and guaranteeing mutual recognition of the value of certifications in the individual member countries.

ISES – International Solar Energy Society. Active in our country since 1978, this is the main legally recognised no-profit technical and scientific association for the promotion of the use of renewable energy sources (solar thermal and photovoltaic, wind, biomass, bioclimatic, geothermal, water and tidal).

UNI – National Unification Body. A private, no-profit association whose members - more than 7,000 - are businesses, freelance professionals, associations, scientific and educational institutions and public sector bodies. It carries out regulatory activities in all industrial, commercial and tertiary sectors except electricity and electrical engineering, which are regulated by the CEI - the Italian Electrical Engineering Committee.


ICMQ is a third-party certification body accredited by Accredia and specialised in the construction sector.

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