Certified company detail

Certification status: Certificato Attivo
Business name: ILA LATERIZI S.r.l.
Unit type: Sede Operativa
Address: S.S. 99 km 11.200
Postal code: 75100
Province: MT
Region: Basilicata
Nation: Italia
Scheme: UNI EN ISO 14001:2015
Primary EA Sector:
Secondary EA Sectors: 16, 24
Date of issue: 26/11/2014
Activity: produzione di elementi in laterizio attraverso le fasi di prelavorazione meccanica di argilla, formatura anche con recupero di rifiuti non pericolosi, essiccazione, cottura in forno a tunnel, stoccaggio a piazzale e carico mezzi di trasporto; produzione di travetti precompressi mediante le fasi di armatura pista, betonaggio, getto di calcestruzzo, taglio travetti, stoccaggio e carico mezzi.
Activities: production of clay-bricks through the stages of clay mechanical preprocessing, forming also by recovery of non-hazardous waste, drying, tunnel kiln firing, service area storage and means of transport loading; production of prestressed concrete joists through the stages of reinforcing, concrete mixing, casting, joists cutting, storage and means of transport loading
ICMQ certificate number: 14209A
IQNet certificate number: 14209A

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ICMQ is a third-party certification body accredited by Accredia and specialised in the construction sector.