Eco Platform ospitato in Italia
Dalla newsletter di Eco Platform:
ICMQ/EPD Italy play host to ECO Platform
ICMQ/EPD Italy played host to ECO Platform for a number of events over two days. The hosts arranged an extremely engaging workshop entitled “EPD: The industrial choice for products sustainability. Eco Platform meets the Italian stakeholders”. The workshop provided an opportunity for debate with some of the most important Italian decision makers involved in the enhancement of sustainability, such as the Ministry of the Environment, Accredia, Confindustria.
ECO Platform would like to thank ICMQ/EPD Italy for organising such an engaging and stimulating range of events and would like to give their particular thanks for arranging the fantastic trip to see the Last Supper and the subsequent evening meal.
ECO Platform September Meeting in Milano, Italy
The Board Meeting was held in an open format with all ECO Platform members invited to participate. The meeting was dominated by the discussion surrounding ECO Platforms future strategy with regards to International aspects. Valuable discussions were held, and general consensus was reached that the primary focus for ECO Platform should remain at the European level, but the organisation should be open to, and support, at an international level. It was agreed that a step-wise approach is to be adopted and a position paper is to be drafted over the coming months outlining the strategy.